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N°11: elm

Elm - Empowering phrase

I am at one with myself, I feel good and well balanced.

Elm - Affirmation

Leave excessive demands and the fear to fail behind and find more creative enthusiasm and healthy balance.

Having worked with sleeves rolled up a minute ago, now at the end of one’s tether.

It is often particularly strong, hands-on and performance-oriented characters which find themselves in this state realizing that they have reached their limits of capacity. They are so full of vigor that they lose track of the limitations of their capacities.

The characters concerned like to take on responsibilities and expect much of themselves. When reaching their personal performance limit, though, they start questioning their potential and doubt their abilities.

This state, however, is only short-lived. This personality type is capable of getting back on his feet quickly and start anew.

This flower is assigned to the emotional group “Despondency and Despair”.

This is how the flower helps

Owing to the elm, it is easier to control the own abilities. Fears of failure are diminished, sometimes, responsibility is passed on.

This essence is contained in the products listed below: